zhou xi-yin
address: 北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号,北京师范大学科技楼b区604
zip code: 100875
homepage: -
educational experiences:
2011-2014 master, school of soil and water conservation, beijing forestry university
2007-2011 bachelor, school of soil and water
work experience:
research interests:
coupled human-natural complex systems, human-water interaction, sustainability
selected publications:
1. zhou, x. y., lei, k., 2017. an approach of habitat degradation assessment for characterization on coastal habitat conservation of the total environment, 593, 618-623.
2. zhou, x. y., lei, k., soon-thiam khu., 2017. industrial structural upgrading and spatial optimization based on water environment carrying capacity. journal of cleaner production.165,1462-1472.
3. zhou, x. y., lei, k., khu, s. t., zhao, j., wang, m., yang, j., 2017. space–time approach to water environment carrying capacity calculation. journal of cleaner production, 149, 302-312.
4. zhou, x. y., lei, k., khu, s. t., 2016. spatial flow analysis of water pollution in eco-natural systems. ecological indicators, 69, 310-317.
professional affiliations: