wang wenxu
address: science & tech. building 517(b), beijing normal university
zip code: 100875
telephone: 86 10 58807084
educational experiences:
2002-2007 ph.d. in theoretical physics, ustc
1998-2002 bachelor, ustc
1998-2002 bachelor, ustc
work experience:
2012- professor, sss, beijing normal university
2010-2012 research associate, arizona state university
2008-2010 postdoctor, arizona state university
2007-2008 postdoctor, city university of hk
2010-2012 research associate, arizona state university
2008-2010 postdoctor, arizona state university
2007-2008 postdoctor, city university of hk
research interests:
including dynamics behaviors, structural dissection and dynamics control in complex networks. and experiment, modeling and prediction in multi-agent behaviors.
so far, he has published more than 100 papers, including 2 nature communications, 1 pnas, 4 phys.rev.lett., 1 phys.rev.x, 1 j.r.soc.interface, 2 sci.rep., 35 phys.rev.e, 5 new j.phys, 6 epl. his current h-index is 29.
professional affiliations:
he is the academic editor of frontiers of computer science, and the referee of more than 20 research journals, including nature communcations, phys.rev.lett., phys.rev.e, epl,sci.rep,plosone, chaos,, ieee trans. neural networks, etc
taking the graduate seminar and summer school courses.